Monday, January 12, 2009

The Blahs.....

Hello all! I have a serious case of the blahs today, and I don't really have a good reason. So, you'll have to excuse my attitude. Fortunately I bounce back fast so I'm sure I'll be back to normal tomorrow.

First things first - Mr. Scale gave me a harsh warning this morning. I was teetering between 131 and 131.5, which means I weighed more today than I did last Monday. Now, I've said I'm not really trying to lose weight, but numbers moving in that direction definitely give me a reality check! I started the day with great intentions, but my lunch sucked. It grossed me out something fierce and I couldn't finish it. See yesterday's post for details on what I made. I actually kind of lost my appetite, so fortunately I didn't start eating everything in sight! When I got home I made some oatmeal, and that grossed me out too. I ended up eating 2 Fiber One pop tarts, which were actually quite tasty! And for dinner - you guessed it - and egg sandwich. So I guess I have not had a bad day in terms of calories, but it hasn't been the most nutritious day either. I'm curious to see what the scale says now that the weekend food should have made it through my body.

I am feeling incredibly uninspired in the lunch department. I need some good ideas for lunch! Right now I'm boiling some whole wheat pasta and I'll mix it with ranch-style beans for tomorrow. I really do not want to eat sandwiches if I can help it. I prefer eating hot stuff for lunch, so let's hear those ideas!

I'm going to wrap it up for the night and work on knitting yet another baby gift. Have a great evening!

PS - you really should try those Fiber One pop tarts! :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree about eating a hot lunch. There's just something about it that makes me feel more satisfied. Anyway, I'm so glad that soups now have the pop top. I really enjoy eating the Progresso chicken noodle. It's 1 pt on WW.

    I like my soups to be more like stews, so I usually put a couple of plain rice cakes in it to make it thicker. It's filling to me, and it tastes good too. The soup is something like 70 calories per serving, two serving per can, so we're talking 140 calories. Rice cakes are 30 calories each, so let's say 60 total for 2. We're talking around 200 filling calories for lunch.

    I also go with the old standby WW meals along with my 30 calorie pack of apple slices. It holds me over til I get home. I'll have to try the pop tarts. I haven't had a pop tart in I don't know when.

    Hope your blahs go away...just think, tomorrow is Tuesday which means we are one day closer to the weekend!
